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The purpose of this legal notice is to establish the general conditions governing the access, navigation or use of the portal by all users. If the user does not agree with them, he / she will not be entitled to use the Hort del Silenci website.

The fact of accessing the PORTAL implies full knowledge and acceptance by the USER of the terms and conditions of use of the PORTAL, in the version published at the time the website is accessed.

In this sense, THE OWNER OF THE PORTAL reserves the right to modify or update at any time the conditions of use of the PORTAL and, in general, the elements that make up the design and configuration of the PORTAL. Therefore, HORT DEL SILENCI, recommends USERS to read carefully the present conditions of use of the PORTAL each time they access the PORTAL.

In the event that the use, provision and / or contracting of products and services is offered through the PORTAL, in order to be used and / or requested for the USER, it will imply the unreserved acceptance of the general contracting conditions. which, where applicable, have been established for this purpose and will form an integral part of this Legal Notice.

THE OWNER OF THE PORTAL reserves the right to terminate, suspend or interrupt at any time and without notice the access to its products, services and / or contents of the PORTAL, as well as the configuration of the portal itself, benefits, products, services and contents without the user having the possibility to claim or demand compensation; in particular for maintenance, repair, updating, improvement and / or adaptation to technical, operational and / or legal changes. After such termination, the prohibitions, restrictions and limitations contained in this Legal Notice and / or in any of the particular conditions that apply to it will remain in force.


You can contact the owner of the PORTAL by email [email protected].

The owner of the web portal is Hort del Silenci, SL, domiciled for this purpose at Carrer Major 1 , 25218 Muller Plans de Sió, Lleida and provided with NIF B25817164. The domain name HORT DEL SILENCI through which this PORTAL is accessed is also owned by Hort del Silenci, SL, and its use in connection with contents, products and services that are not owned by HORT DEL SILENCI is prohibited. which may cause confusion among end USERS or the discredit of HORT DEL SILENCI.


The USER declares that he has the necessary legal capacity to be bound by this agreement and to use this PORTAL in accordance with the general conditions of use set forth herein.

The mere access to the PORTAL, the use of the contents offered in it, as well as the completion of forms, the sending of requests for information and, in general, any act of a similar nature to the above will involve, by of those who browse the PORTAL, the acquisition of the consideration of user and the acceptance, without reservations, of each and every one of the integral norms of the present Legal Notice.

The USER agrees that all information provided in the use of this portal will be true, complete and accurate.

In any case, the access, navigation and use of the PORTAL is made under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user, so he undertakes to diligently and faithfully observe any additional instructions regarding the use of the PORTAL and of its contents.

The USER undertakes to use the contents of the PORTAL diligently, correctly and lawfully, in accordance with current legislation and, in particular, agrees to refrain from:

  • Use it for purposes or effects contrary to the law, morals, generally accepted good customs or public order and the instructions received for the PORTAL OWNER.
  • Use them in order to infringe the legitimate rights of third parties.
  • Use the contents and, in particular, the information of any kind obtained through the PORTAL to send advertising, communications for the purpose of direct sale or for any other kind of commercial purpose, or unsolicited messages addressed to a plurality of persons regardless of their purpose, as well as refrain from marketing or disclosing such information in any way.


The contents of the PORTAL, understanding these as merely enunciative and non-exhaustive texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, navigation structure, software, audiovisual and sound content, graphic design and source codes, indexes, trademarks, logos, expressions, information and, in general, any other creation protected by national rules and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property (hereinafter the contents) are the intellectual property of the holder of the PORTAL OWNER or third parties, from whom the PORTAL OWNER has obtained the corresponding license.

The intellectual and industrial property rights over the CONTENTS are reserved and may result in liability for the unauthorized use, exploitation or use of content.

The use of trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of the HORT DEL SILENCI brand without the prior consent of its OWNER is also prohibited.


THE OWNER OF THE PORTAL declares that it has adopted all the necessary and reasonable measures, within its possibilities and of the state of the technology, to guarantee the operation of the PORTAL and to avoid the existence and / or transmission of viruses and other components. malicious to USERS and will put all reasonable means at their disposal to verify the veracity, accuracy, adequacy, suitability, completeness and timeliness of the information and content provided by the PORTAL.


In particular, the PORTAL OWNER does not guarantee or be responsible for:

  1. The lack of availability or accessibility of the PORTAL or the continuity of the PORTAL;
  2. The existence of interruptions, errors in accessing the PORTAL or malfunction of the PORTAL, as well as technical problems or errors that occur during the internet connection;
  3. The presence of viruses and other malicious computer elements on the PORTAL or the server that supplies it; the USER is responsible, where appropriate, for the availability of appropriate means for the detection and disinfection of malicious computer programs;
  4. The invulnerability of the PORTAL and the measures adopted in it;
  5. The decisions taken on the basis of the information provided to the PORTAL, nor the damages for the USER or for third parties due to the actions that have as their sole basis the information obtained from the PORTAL;
  6. Of the damages produced to the computer equipment of the USERS or of third parties during the provision of the service of the PORTAL:
  7. Any other damage that, if any, may be caused by the malfunction of this PORTAL.


The OWNER OF THE PORTAL may offer on its portal links, directly or indirectly, to resources or Internet web pages that are outside the PORTAL. In no case must these links presuppose that there are agreements with their managers, nor the Hort del Silenci, SL recommendation for the contracting of products and / or services they offer.

The OWNER OF THE PORTAL states that it has no power or human or technical means to know, control or approve all the information, content, products or services provided by other web pages to which links can be established from the PORTAL. Consequently, the OWNER OF THE PORTAL will not assume any type of responsibility for any aspect related to the web pages to which a link can be established from the PORTAL, in particular, by way of example and not exhaustive, on its operation, access, data, information, files, quality and reliability of its products and services, its own links and / or any of its contents, in general.


In the event that any USER, entity or website wishes to establish any type of link to the PORTAL, prior to making the said link must obtain express written authorization from the OWNER OF THE PORTAL and the link must be absolute and complete, in the sense that it is done on the main page of the PORTAL, including the entire length of the main page.

Likewise, in the event that the entity that makes the link from its website to the PORTAL d’HORT DEL SILENCI also wishes to include on its website the brand, name, trade name, sign, logo, or any other sign. identification of the PORTAL HOLDER and / or the PORTAL will require the prior express written authorization of the PORTAL HOLDER.


The HOLDER OF THE PORTAL can offer links on its portal, directly or indirectly, to resources or Internet web pages that are outside the PORTAL. In no case do these links have to presuppose that there are agreements with their managers, nor the recommendation of HORT DEL SILENCI to the hiring of products and / or services they offer, unless communicated by HORT DEL SILENCI.

The HOLDER OF THE PORTAL states that it has no power or human or technical means to know, control or approve all the information, content, products or services provided by other websites to which links can be established from the PORTAL. Consequently, the HOLDER OF THE PORTAL will not assume any type of responsibility for any aspect related to the web pages to which a link can be established from the PORTAL, in particular, by way of example and without limitation, on its operation, access, data, information, files, quality and reliability of its products and services, its own links and / or any of its contents, in general.


In the event that any USER, entity or website wishes to establish some type of link to the PORTAL, prior to making the aforementioned link you will have to obtain express and written authorization from the PORTAL HOLDER and the link will have to be absolute and complied with, in the sense that it is done on the main page of the PORTAL, including the entire extension of the main page.

Also, in the event that the entity that makes the link from its website in the PORTAL OF HUERTO DEL SILENCIO also wishes to include on its website the brand, denomination, commercial name, sign, logo, or any other identifying sign of THE HOLDER OF THE PORTAL and / or the PORTAL will need the prior express and written authorization of the HOLDER OF THE PORTAL.


In the event that any provision of this Legal Notice is considered null and void, in whole or in part, such nullity or non-application will not affect the other provisions of the legal notice.

In the event that the OWNER OF THE PORTAL does not exercise any right or action recognized in this legal notice, this will not constitute a waiver of the same unless there is recognition and written agreement of the OWNER OF THE PORTAL.


This Legal Notice will be governed by Spanish regulations. For the resolution of any conflict that may arise from access to the PORTAL, the USER and the OWNER OF THE PORTAL, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, agree to expressly submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of the domicile of the PORTAL OWNER.