Hort del Silenci has participated, in recent days, in different activities: On the one hand, last Thursday, September 15, we were part of a day dedicated to innovation for collaboration and the gourmet co-branding, organized by the Catalonia Gourmet Cluster at the CINGI FOODLAB facilities in Girona. 20 partner companies of the Cluster attended. The…
Hort del Silenci participates in an Operational Group promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya, within the framework of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). In this area, an Operational Group is made up of different people or companies linked to the agri-food sector, who have common interests and who work together on a…
And from Alimentària to the BioCultura Barcelona fair, which took place on 5, 6, 7 and 8 May. It is a fair dedicated to organic products and the promotion of responsible consumption. In addition to our offer of organic, gluten-free and vegan food with official certification, made from our own and local crops, we have…
We sincerely thank all the visitors to Fira Alimentaria Barcelona. They push us forward to continue developing our project and perhaps embark on exciting new adventures. We would especially like to thank all the people who worked professionally for Hort del Silenci so that we could have a good fair!!
Thank you very much friends!…
Des d'Hort del Silenci creiem que una bona manera de treballar pel país és, també, crear xarxa entre empreses a nivell sectorial. Per això, cercant col·loracions diverses amb companys i companyes de viatge, ens hem incorporat de manera activa als Clústers Catalonia Gourmet i Food Service.
El Clúster Catalonia Gourmet té l'objectiu principal de promoure…
Tenim una gran notícia per compartir amb tots vosaltres!! ?? Hem iniciat col.laboració amb @toogoodtogo.es per treballar conjuntament per un consum responsable que eviti el malbaratament alimentari.
?D'una banda, ens hem adherit a la campanya "Dates amb Sentit", que posa el focus en la confusió que genera als consumidors l'etiquetatge dels productes alimentaris. Concretament, entre les dates…